Blue Skin, Big Tits and a Fucking Loner

青肌巨乳とクソボッチ Ao Hada Kyonyuu to Kuso Botchi 푸른 피부 거유와 망할 외톨이 Blue Skin
Big Tits and a Fucking Loner
Somewhere, in the heavens, a high school for angels.
Liane, an apprentice angel in that school, doesn't have any friends and is shunned by everyone, but keeps on doing her best to become an archangel.
To be blunt, she's a loner.
She has a natural enemy: Ruri, the school's idol, a gyaru-like demoness who, even though she can't study, is beloved by everyone. How annoying!
One day, Liane unexpectedly starts teaching Ruri how to study! Liane is puzzled because she has always hated her, but then Ruri insists and tells her, "Let's start off as friends...".
This is how the friendship between a blue gyaru and a loner begins, something they have never experienced before and their exciting days of youth are about to begin!